Astrophotos taken with CCD and DSLR cameras:

Since the late summer I have been working with a Canon 10D DSLR that I eventually modified. I have been learning a lot about the system.  Modifying the camera to be more sensitive to h-alpha light is the way to go for astrophotography.  I also have taken a few shots with various borrowed CCD cameras.

August 2006:




September 2006:

October 2006:

Comet Swan

NGC457 - The ET Cluster

November 2006:

December 2006:

January 2007:

February 2007:

NGC1499 - The California Nebula



March 2007:


M36 - M38

M46 - M47

IC434 - B33



IC405 - IC410

The Rosette

April 2007:

M35 and IC443


Antares and M4

M87 and Environs

Comet Lovejoy

May 2007:


Markarian's Chain

M8 - 5-23-2007

NGC6960 - 5-23-2007

June 2007:

NGC 6992 - Western portion of the Veil

M13 6-15-07

M20 - M24 6-15-07

Veil Nebula 6-23-07

July 2007:

Comet Linear VZ13 7-7-07

M16 - 7-14-07

M17 - 7-20-07

NGC 6871 and 6883 - 7-20-07

B72 - The Snake Nebula - 7-20-07

Butterfly Nebula - 7-20-07

Moon - 7-20-07

September 2007:

M8 - long exposure Lagoon

The Bubble Nebula

The Cocoon Nebula

October 2007:

The North American and Pelican Nebulas

The Helix Nebula



M31 w/Rebel XTi

M45 - 10-21-07

IC434 - B33

November 2007:

Widefield Veil Nebula

NGC 7822

Heart Nebula IC1805

December 2007:

Comet Holmes - 12-06

March 2008:

M42 - 3-8-08

NGC2264 The Cone Nebula 3-28-08

April 2008:

IC405 - IC410

Leo Galaxy Trio

May 2008:


June 2008:

M81 - M82

M8 - M20

M8 Area

NGC 6960 Area

July 2008:

IC 1318

Veil 3 Panel Mosaic (warning - large file)

August 2008:

M52 and the Bubble Nebula

The Cocoon Nebula


September 2008:

Gamma Cygnus Area

October 2008:

IC 1396

NGC 1499

IC1805 - The Heart Nebula


NGC 281 - The Pac-Man Nebula

NGC 7023 - the Iris Nebula re-shot 10-31!

NGC 7380 - The Wizard

November 2008:

IC434 - The Horsehead Nebula

IC2118 - The Witchhead Nebula

IC405 - The Flaming Star


January 2009:

M45 - The Pleiades

NGC 2264 - The Cone Nebula Area

NGC 2237 and NGC 2244 The Rosette Nebula